Real World Connection
Our motto is: "We Will WiN"!! We determine each day to make difference by being the difference maker.
Cuzo's curriculum is designed to meet the obejectives our Founder, Carlos Benifield, has experienced first hand as being core concepts that produce results. He believe the best results should have an immediate impact but long term effect. Through the many connnections that he has made throughout life, he is grateful that someone thought of him as a WINNER. In turn, he is committed to paying it forward to instill courage, faith and motivation in the lives he comes in contact with.
Being a coach on the football field and a coach in the "field of life" Carlos knows how powerfully motivating the chant - "WE WILL WIN" has on the human spirit. Through CUZO's, Mr. Benifield humbly believes and practcally demonstrates his passion to unite families, community members, faith-based communities, schools, and local businesses to win together...hense the motto: WE WILL WIN!! Failure is not an option!!
Donations enable us to provide effective, one-on-one and group mentoring opportunities for at-risk youth. Help us to continue our mentoring services. Any size donation is appreciated and welcomed.
If there has ever been a crucial time to support our youth, the time is NOW. There is no time to think about supporting. It's game time. Let's roll up our sleeves and be there for them to lean on so that they may be the pillars of our communities. Leaders of tomorrow. Many youth are yearning for someone or something to notice them. Join our community and a viatal asset. We welcome you!
Our mission is to help prevent youth from going down destructive paths by providing them with practical sollutions to make better choices for better outcomes. We aspire to make a distinct difference in the lives we encounter beliving that we are thus impacting thier future.