One day I, Carlos Benifield, was talking with my Supervisor, Mr. Jerry Brooks, telling him why I wanted to start a program to help our Inner-City youth succeed. He thought it was a good idea, but asked me HOW I would do it. It was this question that really made me think thoroughly if I was going to geninely make an impact. It was at that time, it hit me straight to my heart from God! I recieved the concept of how this program would help people to make better choices regardless of where they come from or where they are. I am convinced that by making good choices anyone can pursue success in every area of life! It begins with a choice!
Cuzo's is designed to support youth and their families. We offer a variety of services and service opportunites where everyone outside and inside of the youth articipant's life can:
Take an active role in making a difference in a precious life.
Donate your time, talent and treasure.
Withness the power of love in action.